Playlists and Player

Karaoke Mugen works around playlists, the operator interface shows you two lists. You are able to make actions between these two playlists (add song from left to right, or the other way, by copying it or moving it). We will explain all that to you.

Lists concepts

The karaokes are shown line-by-line, with in order: the karaoke’s language, their series (or band/singers if there isn’t, or whatever the karaoke author decided to use), their type (Opening, Ending, MV, etc.) and their name.

The lines with an icon highlights the karaokes that was played on screen less than an hour ago (this delay is tweakable), useful to avoid repeats.

The blue line shows the karaoke positioned for playing (the one that will be played if the playlist is current).

About language preferences

You can define your linguistic preferences for the song names (Romaji, Native japanese, English, etc…) in the profile settings, available in the K menu in the up-right corner.


The library shows all the karaokes that the software is aware of. These are the ones from all configured repositories or ones you created.

They are alphabetically sorted by the series, band or the singers if there isn’t any series. You can change the sort mode by clicking the filter near the list selector.


You can create as many playlists as you want. These lists can be useful to prepare for karaoke sessions and parties, or listen to various songs depending on your mood. A playlist can have as many songs as you want, but a song can only be present once in a list.

You will have one current playlist, one public playlist, one fallback playlist, one blacklist and one whitelist that will fulfill special roles. There is a little schema to sum it up.

Public playlist

This is the playlist that will receive all the songs that users will add via the public interface. Only one list can be the public playlist. To designate one as public playlist, you need to click on Edit playlist in the wrench menu and to check Public checkbox (this list will replace the old public playlist).

Current playlist

The current playlist is the playlist used by the video player and is controlled by the play/pause, next, previous buttons in the operator interface header. The line displayed in blue is therefore the karaoke now playing. There can be only one current playlist. To designate one as current playlist, you need to click on Edit playlist in the wrench menu and to check Current checkbox (this list will replace the old current playlist).

Current AND public playlist

Having a list that fulfills both roles is not forbidden: as currennt and public list, the playlist will be playing normally while receiving the public suggestions in realtime. This is useful if you trust yoru guests and don’t want to filter what they want to sing.

However, if you have two separate lists, one public and one current, you can filter suggestions from your guests before sending them to the video player!

Fallback playlist

The Fallback playlist can be used at the end of a karaoke session when your current playlist reached its end. You can change the behavior of Karaoke Mugen when the current playlist ends in the Karaoke options screen. Using the fallback playlist is one of those options.


Songs in a blacklist won’t appear in search results anymore. You can still see them in the song list in the system panel. However, if you add blacklisted songs to a playlist, users will still be able to see them.

You’ll want to make a “smart” blacklist using criterias, but you might also want a blacklist where you manually put each song you want to forbid.

If you want to add exceptions, you can use the whitelist.


In this list, you can add exceptions to criterias you defined earlier. For exemple, if you ban all mecha karaokes, you can decide to keep King Gainer, because it’s cool, by adding it to the whitelist.

Smart playlists

Karaoke Mugen has a smart playlist system which works with criterias, these smart playlists can take on the roles explained above.

Songs fullfilling criterias set will appear in the list automatically. if new songs are added to the library, they’ll also be added automatically.

A smart playlist can’t be converted to a simple one. Same goes for the other way.

Smart playlist criterias

You can switch from the list view to the criterias view on a smart playlist.

Criterias examples:

  • Title containing : For example “Kiseki”
  • Longer than/shorter than : All songs longer or shorter than X seconds. It’s pretty handy to ban AMVs or longer songs.
  • Tags : Particular tag
  • Singer
  • Type : Songtype (Opening, Ending, Clip, AMV, etc.).
  • Creator : Who created the song.
  • Karaoke author : Who created the karaoke (who worked on the karaoke file)
  • Language
  • Misc : Miscellaneous tags
  • Songwriter
  • etc.

Let’s take a blacklist for example: it can be a smart one and have criterias. You can ban songs longer than X minutes, those with a spoiler or for adults tag, etc.

Back to smart playlists, you can also tune some of its settings:

  • Limit the list to X songs or a duration of X while sorting it. It can be handy if you want to make a “Top 100” smart playlist.
  • Choose between union or intersection (OR/AND) :
    • If you select “OR”, every criteria will add its own songs to the smart playlist. For example “Tag: For Adults” Or “Series: Gundam” will add all songs for adults + songs from Gundam.
    • If you select “AND”, a song will only be added if it satisfies all criterias. For example “Series: Pokemon” AND “Duration: less than 2 minutes” will select all Pokemon songs which last less than 2 minutes. With “AND” and some exclusive criterias it’s possible that absolutely no song will get into the smart playlist (For example if you select “Duration: longer than 3 minutes” and “Year: 1982” since no song satisfies both criterias at the same time)

For a smart blacklist (which is used to ban some songs) you’ll want to use the “OR” setting.

For a general smart playlist, “AND” will be more useful.


Each user has its own favorites list in which they can find quickly the karaokes they like. If you have an online account, this list is viewable from the instance your account is located on.

To add a song to favorites, you can click the wrench button in a karaoke line then click the “Add to favorites” button. In public interface, you can click on a karaoke and click also on “Add to favorites” button.

Users can use their favorites list to quickly suggest songs to the operator.

Anime lists

If you added your MyAnimeList, Anilist or Kitsu ID to your profile, Karaoke Mugen can fetch the list of series yo’uve watched and can create a list with all the songs from those series.

Anime lists are useful when making quizzes, as it allows Karaoke Mugen to only select songs people have seen for the quiz.

AutoMix lists

An AutoMix is a playlist generated automatically from criterias (see above.) Contrary to smart playlists, Automixes don’t automatically update but they can be manually modified afterwards. They can also contain selected users favorites, for a specific duration. To create an AutoMix, you can click on the gear button near the list selection.

The list generated by AutoMix can be used as current or public.


When checking out the public playlist, users can like a particular song to tell the operator they’d like to see it play soon. This allows the operator to get a better idea of which songs are more popular.

As every user has a limited number of songs they can add during a karaoke session, if the song it requested (the first Naruto opening for example) gets liked enough, it won’t count anymore in the user’s quota. The user who requested the song can then request another song freely without having to wait for the opening to be played on screen. This free song mechanic can be entirely configured.

Operators can free songs manually via the wrench menu of each karaoke.

Video player

The video player used is mpv, which you can find on its website,

Some useful keyboard shortcuts for mpv
  • ESC : Leave fullscreen
  • Q : Exit player (this does not exit Karaok Mugen!)
  • Left/Right arrow : Forward/Rewind in a video
  • Up/Down arrow : Forward/Rewind faster in a video
  • F : Switch between fullscreen and windowed mode.
  • Mouse wheel up/down : Change volume (Mouse cursor must be over the window)

These keys only work if you have “focus” on the video player. Click inside the window to get focus.

You can also move the window around on your screen. By default it is always on top, but this can be changed.